Wednesday 21 March 2012

NTSE Sample Questions based on Human Resources (Class VIII)

Q.1. Match the following –
(a) Population density                                    (i) The difference between the birth rate and the death
                                                                             rate of a country.
(b) Population change                                    (ii) Refers to the structure of the population.
(c) Natural growth rate                                  (iii) Number of people living in a unit area of the earth’s surface
(d) Population composition                           (iv) Change in the number of people during a specific time.

(A) a-(ii), b-(iii), c-(iv), d-(i)                           (B) a-(ii), b-(i), c-(iii), d-(iv)
(C)  a-(iii), b-(iv), c-(i), d-(ii)                          (D) a-(i), b-(iv), c-(iii), d-(ii)
Q.2. Which of the following Geographical factors affect the distribution of Population –
(i) Topography             (ii) Climate                   (iii) Cultural            (iv) Minerals              (v) Soil

(A) (i), (ii), (iii) & (v) are correct                                     (B) (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) are correct 
(C) (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv) are correct                                    (D) (i), (ii), (iv) & (v) are correct

Q.3. Which of the following are non-geographical factors affecting the distribution of Population –
(i) Areas of better housing, education and health facilities.
(ii) Places with religion or cultural significance
(iii) Fertile soil provide suitable land for agriculture
(iv) Industrial areas provide employment opportunities
(v) Areas with mineral deposits are more populated.

(A) (i), (ii) & (v) are correct                                     (B) (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) are correct 
(C) (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv) are correct                            (D) (i), (ii) & (iv) are correct

Q.4. What is the average density of population in India ?
(A) 314 persons per square km.                              (B) 324 persons per square km.
(C) 334 persons per square km.                              (D) 304 persons per square km.

Q.5. Until the 1800s, the world’s population grew steadily but slowly, what was/were the reasons behind that –
(i) Control over the birth rate
(ii) Large number of babies born, but died early too.
(iii) Sufficient food was not available for all the people.
(iv) Farmers were not able to produce enough to meet the food requirements of all the people.
(v) We were not able to save many people from natural disasters and calamities due to lack of medical facilities.

Match the following –
(a) Birth Rate                                            (i) Number of deaths per 1000 people..
(b) Death Rate                                          (ii) When a person enters a new country.
(c) Immigration                                        (iii) When a person leaves a country.
(d) Emigration                                          (iv) Number of live births per 1000 people.

(A) a-(iv), b-(iii), c-(ii), d-(i)                           (B) a-(iv), b-(i), c-(ii), d-(iii)
(C)  a-(iv), b-(iii), c-(i), d-(ii)                          (D) a-(i), b-(iv), c-(iii), d-(ii)

Q.6. Match the following –
(a) Birth Rate                                            (i) Number of deaths per 1000 people..
(b) Death Rate                                          (ii) When a person enters a new country.
(c) Immigration                                        (iii) When a person leaves a country.
(d) Emigration                                          (iv) Number of live births per 1000 people.

(A) a-(iv), b-(iii), c-(ii), d-(i)                           (B) a-(iv), b-(i), c-(ii), d-(iii)
(C)  a-(iv), b-(iii), c-(i), d-(ii)                          (D) a-(i), b-(iv), c-(iii), d-(ii)

Q.7. Match the following –
(a) Australia                                              (i) Experienced a loss in population numbers due to emigration.
(b) Sudan                                                  (ii) Have high population growth rate.
(c) Kenya                                                  (iii)Have gained in-numbers by in-migration.
(d) United Kingdom                                 (iv) Population growth is slowing.

(A) a-(iii), b-(iv), c-(ii), d-(i)                           (B) a-(iii), b-(i), c-(ii), d-(iv)
(C)  a-(iii), b-(iv), c-(i), d-(ii)                          (D) a-(i), b-(iv), c-(iii), d-(ii)

Q.8. The composition of population helps us to know –
(i) How many are males or females
(ii) Which age group they belong to
(iii) How educated they are
(iv) What type of occupations they are employed in
(v) What is their income level and health conditions etc.

(A) (i), (ii) & (v) are correct                                     (B) (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) are correct 
(C) (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv) are correct                            (D) All are correct

Q.9. The shape of the population pyramid tells the story of the people living in that particular country –
(i) The numbers of children (below 15 years) are shown at the bottom and reflect the level of births.
(ii) The size of the top shows the numbers of aged people (above 65 years) and reflect the number of deaths.

(A) (i) is correct                                                                 (B) (ii) is correct
(C) Both (i) and (ii) are correct                                         (D) Both (i) and (ii) are incorrect

Q.10. A population pyramid shows –
(i) The total population divided into various age groups.
(ii) The percentage of the total population, subdivided into males and females.
(iii) How many dependents are there in a country.

(A) Only (i) is correct                                                     (B) (i) and (ii) both are correct
(C) (ii) and (iii) are correct                                             (D) All are correct

Q.11. Match the following –
(a) Population pyramid broad at the base and           (i) Low birth rates, decreased death rates allow numbers
     Rapidly narrows towards the top                               of people to reach old age. e.g.-Kenya
(b) Pyramid is broad in the younger age group         (ii) Low birth rates, decreased death rates allow numbers
                                                                                         of people to reach old age
(c) Pyramid narrow at the base                                (iii)  Death rates are decreasing, more infants survive to
                                                                                        adulthood. e.g. India

(A) a-(i), b-(ii), c-(iii)                                      (B) a-(iii), b-(i), c-(ii)
(C)  a-(i), b-(iii), c-(ii)                                     (D) a-(ii), b-(i), c-(iii)

ANSWERS – Q.1.-(C), Q.2.-(D), Q.3.-(D), Q.4.-(B), Q.5.-(C),
                      Q.6.-(B), Q.7.-(B), Q.8.-(D), Q.9.-(C), Q.10.-(D), Q.11.-(A)

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