Tuesday 13 March 2012

Your Crossword Puzzle
Democracy in the Contemporary World
Class IX

















2. Son of a goldsmith and himself a teacher, was active in the independence struggle of his country, became the first prime minister and then the president of Ghana.
5. It is a form of government that allows people to choose their rulers.
6. He was the leader of the Socialist Party of Chile and led the Popular Unity coalition to victory in the Presidential election in 1970. 9. In Poland, workers led by Walesa signed this 21 point agreement with the government that ended their strike.
10. A former electrician of the Lenin Shipyard, was dismissed form service in 1976, soon emerged as the leader of the striking workers.
11. In Britain, the progress towards democracy started much before the ___________ revolution, but the progress was very slow.
13. By 1900, this country was the only country where every adult had voting right.
14. Poland and several other countries became free from the control of this in 1991. Finally it, itself broke down in 1991. It comprised of 15 Republics.
15. An agency which gives loans to the governments. Before lending they ask the concerned government to show all its accounts and direct it to make changes in its economic policy.
16. A country in Western Asia, became independent from British rule in 1932.
1. General of the Army, who led the military coup against the democratic government in Chile, became the President and ruled the country for 17 years.
 3. A medical doctor and a moderate socialist, became the first woman to be a Defence Minister in Latin America.
4. While nations are becoming more democratic than they were earlier, international organisations are becoming ________________.
7. Each permanent member of Security council as this power. It means that the Council cannot take a decision if any permanent member says no to that decision.
8. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the US appears to be the only superpower in the world. This _______________ dominance affects the working of international organisations.
12. It gained freedom from colonial rule in 1948 and became a democracy.But the democratic rule ended in1962 with a military coup.

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