Jupiter-Saturn Great Conjunction: People witness 'Christmas Star' across the world; checkout amazing image

In a treat for the skygazers, the rare celestial event of the conjunction of two of the biggest planets of the solar system - Jupiter and Saturn - took place on Monday (21.12.2020). The rare event is known to be the one which takes place once in every 400 years. In this Jupiter-Saturn conjunction 2020, the two planets appeared as one single bright star as they come within planetary kissing range. 

This great conjunction is also known as the 'Christmas Star' and was visible even with the bare eyes, however, using binoculars and telescopes were advised for the best experience of this once in lifetime celestial event. 

The great conjunction was visible from across the globe and everyone can witness the two gas giants very close to each other, while they remain to be hundreds of millions of miles apart in space. 

The conjunction also coincided with the Winter Solstice - the shortest day of the year in terms of hours of sunlight received in the Northern Hemisphere and summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.

(all images have been taken from internet, am highly thankful to all those people who have shared this pics. Only aim of sharing these pics is to create awareness amongst my students about this rare celestial event, not intended to earn any profit.)